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Adnan Safee Calls For Support His Foundation’s Cause 'No One Sleeps Hungry'

Updated: Jul 9, 2019

Adnan Safee, Founder, Nine Angle Foundation

Adnan Safee is also Executive Producer at Nine Angle Productions, a prolific producer of TV commercials, radio spots, jingles and short films, incepted the market in 2011. Based in Mumbai and Delhi, it has been adding colossal value to the Indian as well as overseas motion picture industry ever since.

Adnan Safee and Sadia Adnan, Founders of Nine Angle Foundation, have found their calling and are fulfilling it under the name 'Nine Angle Foundation'. The foundation works towards helping and feeding with the limited funds they have. Nine Angle Foundation fulfils its responsibility at the same by eradicating social plight present in the form of poverty, which snatches away the basic right to satiate hunger by having a meal.

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